Anti-Cancer Strategies: Gut Microbes AhR Key to Controlling Inflammation

anti-cancer researcher Dr. Robert Chapkin

Texas A&M’s Dr. Robert Chapkin lends his voice to the plant-based movement.

Over the past decade, many researchers studying anti-cancer mechanisms have focused on the intersection of diet and chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer included. The bottom line is becoming clear:    Continue reading

#AICR19 Takeaway: Change Your Metabolism

Dr. Edward Giovannucci

Just a little weight loss can go a long way in improving metabolic health, says Harvard’s Dr. Ed Giovannucci.

The evidence is clear, says the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), the team of scientists who’ve been studying nutrition’s role in cancer for more than three decades.   

Excess body fat, particularly the kind that accumulates around the belly, increases the risk of at least a dozen cancers  pancreatic, colorectal, advanced prostate and breast cancer in us older women.  If you already have cancer, it can worsen the prognosis.

So what can you do about it?   Continue reading

2016: What’s on and off your Anti-Cancer Platter?

anti-cancer dietary strategies

Chicken’s off the platter if your New Year’s resolutions include restricting methionine–a promising new strategy to fight cancer and forestall aging.

What’s the latest advice that scientists are dishing out for your anti-cancer diet?

  • off the platter: suspect proteins
  • on the platter: plant proteins, but which ones and how much?
  • on the platter: flavonoids

Read the backstory first to enhance tonight’s exchanges with loved ones.  Continue reading

Anti-Cancer Foods: Watercress, Indoles and Why You AhR What You Eat

anti-cancer recipe for watercress saladNote:  Like radishes, watercress is one of the few crucifers that should be eaten raw. 

In this complex world of anti-cancer diets, some cruciferous vegetables may actually be more powerful than other fellow crucifers.

It all comes down to two words that begin with “I.”   Continue reading

Anti-Cancer Recipes: Jittery Cook’s Jicama Sticks

jicamaStill struggling to find a simple jicama recipe for your anti-cancer diet? f you read the post on fermentable fiber, you know that Continue reading

Anti-Cancer Strategies: Top 10 Foods to Decrease Inflammation

anti cancer berriesNote: Since this article first appeared in 2013, research has revealed that the amino acid methionine may fuel cancer. Uniquely among amino acids, it causes cells to produce free radicals of oxygen as they burn it for energy. Researcher Dr. Paul Cavuoto suggests that people with cancer should limit methionine to 1 gram a day max. That means restricing animal foods, even those with high omega 3 content. One 3 oz portion of cooked salmon has almost 700 mg–comparable to poultry and meat. Brazil nuts are also high in methionine. For more on the methionine story, read this piece, written in early 2016.

“One of the most significant medical discoveries of the 21st century is that inflammation is the common thread connecting chronic diseases,” writes Dr. Mark Hyman, author of several books on health and wellness. The conditions he’s talking about include diabetes, heart disease, obesity and even cancer, all driven by inflammatory foods in your diet. But the good news is Continue reading

Anti Cancer Recipes: How to Grill Surprisingly Great Sardines

anti cancer sardines from recipe2recipe.comGills down, this anti-cancer recipe wins the tastiest meal of the summer— Continue reading

Anti-Cancer Recipes: Beware the Roasted Chicken

roasted chicken is far from anti-cancerYikes. I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you might want to reconsider Grandma’s precious recipe. Roasted chicken, it turns out, is more pro- than anti-cancerous. Here are two reasons why: Continue reading

Anti-Cancer Recipe: Ginger Tea for Nausea and Other Woes

anti-cancer and anti-nausea ginger teaWhen you were a kid and feeling queasy, did your mom indulge you with ginger ale? Not a bad hunch, but in many societies, there’s a much more indigenous way of spelling relief: Make ginger tea.

As you know from the post on inflammation, ginger is the great equalizer. It quells inflammation and soothes heartburn, upset stomach and nausea.  What’s the key to preparing it? Continue reading

Anti-Cancer Strategies: Squelching Inflammation!

anti cancer ginger on fire

Ginger root seems to help smoulder inflammation associated with cancer.

Inflammation “contributes to tumor proliferation,  angiogenesis, metastasis and resistance to hormonal and chemotherapy.”—cancer researchers, 2009

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